Thumbs up!!!
Presented By - What Matters Most and Aloe Blacc
Directed By - Alan Algee
Edited By - Alan Algee
Photography by - Alan Algee, Oji Singletary, Kahlil Joseph, Mattew J. Lloyd, Ryan Kuhlman
Produced by - Omid Fatemi for What Matters Most
Styled by - Davia and Earl Hunter for Style Via Davia
Music by - Aloe Blacc from "Good Things" album
Executive Production - Havana Joe and Paul Chang
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Video: Jamiroquai "White Knuckle Ride" + "Blue Skies"
2 new joints from Jamiroquai. Album drops Novemebr 1st. OH YES!!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Brown Study (Boog Brown & Apollo Brown) CD AVAILABLE TODAY!!!
Support the flyness!!!

Brown Study is a rare vintage of Hip Hop that chronicles Atlanta emcee Boog Browns walk through life. Behind the boards is Detroit producer Apollo Brown (The Reset) crafting head nodding beats reminiscent of Pete Rock in his prime. Boog drops universal jewels throughout her heavily textured rap poetry. Brown Study is the soundtrack for anyone living the beautiful struggle.
Brown Study | @BoogBrown & @ApolloBrown | CD Available from FatBeats

Brown Study is a rare vintage of Hip Hop that chronicles Atlanta emcee Boog Browns walk through life. Behind the boards is Detroit producer Apollo Brown (The Reset) crafting head nodding beats reminiscent of Pete Rock in his prime. Boog drops universal jewels throughout her heavily textured rap poetry. Brown Study is the soundtrack for anyone living the beautiful struggle.
Brown Study | @BoogBrown & @ApolloBrown | CD Available from FatBeats
Sunday, September 26, 2010
FTP Movement's Feed The People Program - 09.12.10

FTP Movement's Feed The People Program - 09.12.10 from Will F on Vimeo.
On September 12, 2010 the FTP Movement's Feed the People program returned to the streets of Atlanta, GA. Artists, musicians, community organizers, everyday people all gathered at Othello that Sunday to prepare food, clothes and resources to be distributed to the homeless population in 3 different areas.
I asked Kalonji Changa & Eboni Joy if I could come document the event to help promote and spread awareness of this service they are providing. This video is a short glimpse into what goes on every 2nd and 4th Sunday. If you would like more information or would like to donate or volunteer visit
Music provided The Mad Violinist & Amex (Yamin Semali)
Habesha presents: 3rd Annual Harvest Fest
Habesha presents: 3rd Annual Harvest Fest from Will F on Vimeo.
On Saturday, September 25, 2010 Habesha hosted their 3rd Annual Harvest Fest, a free outdoor family event. Held at the Dunbar Neighborhood Center, the event featured Garden Demonstrations, Healthy Food, African marketplace, and Live Bands.
There were performances by Binkis Recs, Purple Crown, Sheriese Nicole, Richelle Scales, Ekundayo, Starchile, B.I.G. Nel, CJ Reid, and Chop.
For more information about Habesha, visit:
Music Bed/Soundtrack provided by AmDex (Yamin Semali)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Facebook founder times big schools gift with unflattering movie release
Donated to newark schools!! #thumbsup

Zuckerberg, described as a "wary and private" person in a recent New Yorker profile, has been forced to tear down some of the barriers between his life and the public. This new plunge into civic-minded activity seems designed in part to fend off bad publicity generated by the film and accusations that as a student, he hacked into private emails and stole the original idea for the site from fellow students. The movie is loosely based on an equally unflattering book by Ben Mezrich, who used a burned former Facebook investor (and former Harvard colleague of Zuckerberg) as his primary source.
According to the movie, Zuckerberg created the site to get admitted to exclusive parties and to meet girls. (Rebecca O'Brien has a more nuanced take on Zuckerberg's college years here.)
"I think a lot people will look at that stuff, you know, when I was 19, and say, 'Oh, well, he was like that. ... He must still be like that, right?" Zuckerberg told the New Yorker. He added that he does not plan to see the movie, though he was spotted by at least two people at a Seattle screening Wednesday.
Whatever the motive for the gift, the money will translate into big changes for Newark schools. Under the terms of Zuckerberg's donation, Christie will give the reform-minded mayor more control over schools. There's speculation he may hire hard-charging D.C. Chancellor Michelle Rhee to head up schools now that Rhee's prime supporter, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, has been voted out of office. Meanwhile, the nation's education reformers -- who emphasize teacher evaluations tied to student test scores and independent charter schools -- are sure to welcome another billionaire recruit to their cause.
(Photo of Zuckerberg: AP)

Zuckerberg, described as a "wary and private" person in a recent New Yorker profile, has been forced to tear down some of the barriers between his life and the public. This new plunge into civic-minded activity seems designed in part to fend off bad publicity generated by the film and accusations that as a student, he hacked into private emails and stole the original idea for the site from fellow students. The movie is loosely based on an equally unflattering book by Ben Mezrich, who used a burned former Facebook investor (and former Harvard colleague of Zuckerberg) as his primary source.
According to the movie, Zuckerberg created the site to get admitted to exclusive parties and to meet girls. (Rebecca O'Brien has a more nuanced take on Zuckerberg's college years here.)
"I think a lot people will look at that stuff, you know, when I was 19, and say, 'Oh, well, he was like that. ... He must still be like that, right?" Zuckerberg told the New Yorker. He added that he does not plan to see the movie, though he was spotted by at least two people at a Seattle screening Wednesday.
Whatever the motive for the gift, the money will translate into big changes for Newark schools. Under the terms of Zuckerberg's donation, Christie will give the reform-minded mayor more control over schools. There's speculation he may hire hard-charging D.C. Chancellor Michelle Rhee to head up schools now that Rhee's prime supporter, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, has been voted out of office. Meanwhile, the nation's education reformers -- who emphasize teacher evaluations tied to student test scores and independent charter schools -- are sure to welcome another billionaire recruit to their cause.
(Photo of Zuckerberg: AP)
3rd annual HARVEST FEST
NAIRA-See Me, See Trouble
Atl finest. We have so many!!
Back yet again with another cinematic experience watch as NAIRA goes in on the J-Millz's throwback joint "No, No, No"!!! Free download available at Brought to you by [Vantage Poynt Pictures] the same crew that brought you Keno Kenett's "I Only Want You"
Edited/Directed By: Vantage Poynt Pictures
Album coming soon ::FEARLESS:: The Art of Letting Go
Back yet again with another cinematic experience watch as NAIRA goes in on the J-Millz's throwback joint "No, No, No"!!! Free download available at Brought to you by [Vantage Poynt Pictures] the same crew that brought you Keno Kenett's "I Only Want You"
Edited/Directed By: Vantage Poynt Pictures
Album coming soon ::FEARLESS:: The Art of Letting Go
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Justice to all!!

words by Adachi Pimentel
On September 3rd a brother, father, husband and friend, Askia Sabur, was beaten by a few officers of the 19th police district in Philadelphia. When standing outside of a local chinese food takeout waiting for his food, Askia, some friends and a family member were approached by police and asked to move. Askia stated that he would not leave as he was waiting for his food and what occurred after has caused outrage in that particular community and across the the city. This story has now spread across the country in the midst of other instances of police brutality that have taken place in Seattle, Miami and Los Angeles. READ

words by Adachi Pimentel
On September 3rd a brother, father, husband and friend, Askia Sabur, was beaten by a few officers of the 19th police district in Philadelphia. When standing outside of a local chinese food takeout waiting for his food, Askia, some friends and a family member were approached by police and asked to move. Askia stated that he would not leave as he was waiting for his food and what occurred after has caused outrage in that particular community and across the the city. This story has now spread across the country in the midst of other instances of police brutality that have taken place in Seattle, Miami and Los Angeles. READ
How to Get Lucky
Let the healing begin. hahaha!!!

By Richard Wiseman
Scientific proof that you make your own breaks.
For centuries, people have recognized the power of luck and have done whatever they could to try seizing it. Take knocking on wood, thought to date back to pagan rituals aimed at eliciting help from powerful tree gods. We still do it today, though few, if any, of us worship tree gods. So why do we pass this and other superstitions down from generation to generation? The answer lies in the power of luck.
Live a Charmed Life
To investigate scientifically why some people are consistently lucky and others aren't, I advertised in national periodicals for volunteers of both varieties. Four hundred men and women from all walks of life -- ages 18 to 84 -- responded.
Over a ten-year period, I interviewed these volunteers, asked them to complete diaries, personality questionnaires and IQ tests, and invited them to my laboratory for experiments. Lucky people, I found, get that way via some basic principles -- seizing chance opportunities; creating self-fulfilling prophecies through positive expectations; and adopting a resilient attitude that turns bad luck around.
Open Your Mind
Consider chance opportunities: Lucky people regularly have them; unlucky people don't. To determine why, I gave lucky and unlucky people a newspaper, and asked them to tell me how many photos were inside. On average, unlucky people spent about two minutes on this exercise; lucky people spent seconds. Why? Because on the paper's second page -- in big type -- was the message "Stop counting: There are 43 photographs in this newspaper." Lucky people tended to spot the message. Unlucky ones didn't. I put a second one halfway through the paper: "Stop counting, tell the experimenter you have seen this and win $250." Again, the unlucky people missed it.
The lesson: Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they're too busy looking for something else. Lucky people see what is there rather than just what they're looking for.
This is only part of the story. Many of my lucky participants tried hard to add variety to their lives. Before making important decisions, one altered his route to work. Another described a way of meeting people. He noticed that at parties he usually talked to the same type of person. To change this, he thought of a color and then spoke only to guests wearing that color -- women in red, say, or men in black.
Does this technique work? Well, imagine living in the center of an apple orchard. Each day you must collect a basket of apples. At first, it won't matter where you look. The entire orchard will have apples. Gradually, it becomes harder to find apples in places you've visited before. If you go to new parts of the orchard each time, the odds of finding apples will increase dramatically. It is exactly the same with luck.
Relish the Upside
Another important principle revolved around the way in which lucky and unlucky people deal with misfortune. Imagine representing your country in the Olympics. You compete, do well, and win a bronze medal. Now imagine a second Olympics. This time you do even better and win a silver medal. How happy do you think you'd feel? Most of us think we'd be happier after winning the silver medal.
But research suggests athletes who win bronze medals are actually happier. This is because silver medalists think that if they'd performed slightly better, they might have won a gold medal. In contrast, bronze medalists focus on how if they'd performed slightly worse, they wouldn't have won anything. Psychologists call this ability to imagine what might have happened, rather than what actually happened, "counter-factual" thinking.
To find out if lucky people use counter-factual thinking to ease the impact of misfortune, I asked my subjects to imagine being in a bank. Suddenly, an armed robber enters and fires a shot that hits them in the arms. Unlucky people tended to say this would be their bad luck to be in the bank during the robbery. Lucky people said it could have been worse: "You could have been shot in the head." This kind of thinking makes people feel better about themselves, keeps expectations high, and increases the likelihood of continuing to live a lucky life.
Learn to Be Lucky
Finally, I created a series of experiments examining whether thought and behavior can enhance good fortune.
First came one-on-one meetings, during which participants completed questionnaires that measured their luck and their satisfaction with six key areas of their lives. I then outlined the main principles of luck, and described techniques designed to help participants react like lucky people. For instance, they were taught how to be more open to opportunities around them, how to break routines, and how to deal with bad luck by imagining things being worse. They were asked to carry out specific exercises for a month and then report back to me.
The results were dramatic: 80 percent were happier and more satisfied with their lives -- and luckier. One unlucky subject said that after adjusting her attitude -- expecting good fortune, not dwelling on the negative -- her bad luck had vanished. One day, she went shopping and found a dress she liked. But she didn't buy it, and when she returned to the store in a week, it was gone. Instead of slinking away disappointed, she looked around and found a better dress -- for less. Events like this made her a much happier person.
Her experience shows how thoughts and behavior affect the good and bad fortune we encounter. It proves that the most elusive of holy grails -- an effective way of taking advantage of the power of luck -- is available to us all.

By Richard Wiseman
Scientific proof that you make your own breaks.
For centuries, people have recognized the power of luck and have done whatever they could to try seizing it. Take knocking on wood, thought to date back to pagan rituals aimed at eliciting help from powerful tree gods. We still do it today, though few, if any, of us worship tree gods. So why do we pass this and other superstitions down from generation to generation? The answer lies in the power of luck.
Live a Charmed Life
To investigate scientifically why some people are consistently lucky and others aren't, I advertised in national periodicals for volunteers of both varieties. Four hundred men and women from all walks of life -- ages 18 to 84 -- responded.
Over a ten-year period, I interviewed these volunteers, asked them to complete diaries, personality questionnaires and IQ tests, and invited them to my laboratory for experiments. Lucky people, I found, get that way via some basic principles -- seizing chance opportunities; creating self-fulfilling prophecies through positive expectations; and adopting a resilient attitude that turns bad luck around.
Open Your Mind
Consider chance opportunities: Lucky people regularly have them; unlucky people don't. To determine why, I gave lucky and unlucky people a newspaper, and asked them to tell me how many photos were inside. On average, unlucky people spent about two minutes on this exercise; lucky people spent seconds. Why? Because on the paper's second page -- in big type -- was the message "Stop counting: There are 43 photographs in this newspaper." Lucky people tended to spot the message. Unlucky ones didn't. I put a second one halfway through the paper: "Stop counting, tell the experimenter you have seen this and win $250." Again, the unlucky people missed it.
The lesson: Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they're too busy looking for something else. Lucky people see what is there rather than just what they're looking for.
This is only part of the story. Many of my lucky participants tried hard to add variety to their lives. Before making important decisions, one altered his route to work. Another described a way of meeting people. He noticed that at parties he usually talked to the same type of person. To change this, he thought of a color and then spoke only to guests wearing that color -- women in red, say, or men in black.
Does this technique work? Well, imagine living in the center of an apple orchard. Each day you must collect a basket of apples. At first, it won't matter where you look. The entire orchard will have apples. Gradually, it becomes harder to find apples in places you've visited before. If you go to new parts of the orchard each time, the odds of finding apples will increase dramatically. It is exactly the same with luck.
Relish the Upside
Another important principle revolved around the way in which lucky and unlucky people deal with misfortune. Imagine representing your country in the Olympics. You compete, do well, and win a bronze medal. Now imagine a second Olympics. This time you do even better and win a silver medal. How happy do you think you'd feel? Most of us think we'd be happier after winning the silver medal.
But research suggests athletes who win bronze medals are actually happier. This is because silver medalists think that if they'd performed slightly better, they might have won a gold medal. In contrast, bronze medalists focus on how if they'd performed slightly worse, they wouldn't have won anything. Psychologists call this ability to imagine what might have happened, rather than what actually happened, "counter-factual" thinking.
To find out if lucky people use counter-factual thinking to ease the impact of misfortune, I asked my subjects to imagine being in a bank. Suddenly, an armed robber enters and fires a shot that hits them in the arms. Unlucky people tended to say this would be their bad luck to be in the bank during the robbery. Lucky people said it could have been worse: "You could have been shot in the head." This kind of thinking makes people feel better about themselves, keeps expectations high, and increases the likelihood of continuing to live a lucky life.
Learn to Be Lucky
Finally, I created a series of experiments examining whether thought and behavior can enhance good fortune.
First came one-on-one meetings, during which participants completed questionnaires that measured their luck and their satisfaction with six key areas of their lives. I then outlined the main principles of luck, and described techniques designed to help participants react like lucky people. For instance, they were taught how to be more open to opportunities around them, how to break routines, and how to deal with bad luck by imagining things being worse. They were asked to carry out specific exercises for a month and then report back to me.
The results were dramatic: 80 percent were happier and more satisfied with their lives -- and luckier. One unlucky subject said that after adjusting her attitude -- expecting good fortune, not dwelling on the negative -- her bad luck had vanished. One day, she went shopping and found a dress she liked. But she didn't buy it, and when she returned to the store in a week, it was gone. Instead of slinking away disappointed, she looked around and found a better dress -- for less. Events like this made her a much happier person.
Her experience shows how thoughts and behavior affect the good and bad fortune we encounter. It proves that the most elusive of holy grails -- an effective way of taking advantage of the power of luck -- is available to us all.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spotted this at the good people in The Gritty Committee. Oh! it's on!!! GRILCHYFACE.COM (artwork by my dude flux wonda son!!!)
6 Things You Should Never Reveal on Facebook
No doubt!!!

by Kathy Kristof
The whole social networking phenomenon has millions of Americans sharing their photos, favorite songs and details about their class reunions on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and dozens of similar sites. But there are a handful of personal details that you should never say if you don't want criminals — cyber or otherwise — to rob you blind, according to Beth Givens, executive director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
The folks at also say that ill-advised Facebook postings increasingly can get your insurance cancelled or cause you to pay dramatically more for everything from auto to life insurance coverage. By now almost everybody knows that those drunken party photos could cost you a job, too.
You can certainly enjoy networking and sharing photos, but you should know that sharing some information puts you at risk. What should you never say on Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site?
Your Birth Date and Place
Sure, you can say what day you were born, but if you provide the year and where you were born too, you've just given identity thieves a key to stealing your financial life, said Givens. A study done by Carnegie Mellon showed that a date and place of birth could be used to predict most — and sometimes all — of the numbers in your Social Security number, she said.
Vacation Plans
There may be a better way to say "Rob me, please" than posting something along the lines of: "Count-down to Maui! Two days and Ritz Carlton, here we come!" on Twitter. But it's hard to think of one. Post the photos on Facebook when you return, if you like. But don't invite criminals in by telling them specifically when you'll be gone.
Home Address
Do I have to elaborate? A study recently released by the Ponemon Institute found that users of Social Media sites were at greater risk of physical and identity theft because of the information they were sharing. Some 40% listed their home address on the sites; 65% didn't even attempt to block out strangers with privacy settings. And 60% said they weren't confident that their "friends" were really just people they know.
You may hate your job; lie on your taxes; or be a recreational user of illicit drugs, but this is no place to confess. Employers commonly peruse social networking sites to determine who to hire — and, sometimes, who to fire. Need proof? In just the past few weeks, an emergency dispatcher was fired in Wisconsin for revealing drug use; a waitress got canned for complaining about customers and the Pittsburgh Pirate's mascot was dumped for bashing the team on Facebook. One study done last year estimated that 8% of companies fired someone for "misuse" of social media.
Password Clues
If you've got online accounts, you've probably answered a dozen different security questions, telling your bank or brokerage firm your Mom's maiden name; the church you were married in; or the name of your favorite song. Got that same stuff on the information page of your Facebook profile? You're giving crooks an easy way to guess your passwords.
Risky Behaviors
You take your classic Camaro out for street racing, soar above the hills in a hang glider, or smoke like a chimney? Insurers are increasingly turning to the web to figure out whether their applicants and customers are putting their lives or property at risk, according to So far, there's no efficient way to collect the data, so cancellations and rate hikes are rare. But the technology is fast evolving, according to a paper written by Celent, a financial services research and consulting firm.

by Kathy Kristof
The whole social networking phenomenon has millions of Americans sharing their photos, favorite songs and details about their class reunions on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and dozens of similar sites. But there are a handful of personal details that you should never say if you don't want criminals — cyber or otherwise — to rob you blind, according to Beth Givens, executive director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
The folks at also say that ill-advised Facebook postings increasingly can get your insurance cancelled or cause you to pay dramatically more for everything from auto to life insurance coverage. By now almost everybody knows that those drunken party photos could cost you a job, too.
You can certainly enjoy networking and sharing photos, but you should know that sharing some information puts you at risk. What should you never say on Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site?
Your Birth Date and Place
Sure, you can say what day you were born, but if you provide the year and where you were born too, you've just given identity thieves a key to stealing your financial life, said Givens. A study done by Carnegie Mellon showed that a date and place of birth could be used to predict most — and sometimes all — of the numbers in your Social Security number, she said.
Vacation Plans
There may be a better way to say "Rob me, please" than posting something along the lines of: "Count-down to Maui! Two days and Ritz Carlton, here we come!" on Twitter. But it's hard to think of one. Post the photos on Facebook when you return, if you like. But don't invite criminals in by telling them specifically when you'll be gone.
Home Address
Do I have to elaborate? A study recently released by the Ponemon Institute found that users of Social Media sites were at greater risk of physical and identity theft because of the information they were sharing. Some 40% listed their home address on the sites; 65% didn't even attempt to block out strangers with privacy settings. And 60% said they weren't confident that their "friends" were really just people they know.
You may hate your job; lie on your taxes; or be a recreational user of illicit drugs, but this is no place to confess. Employers commonly peruse social networking sites to determine who to hire — and, sometimes, who to fire. Need proof? In just the past few weeks, an emergency dispatcher was fired in Wisconsin for revealing drug use; a waitress got canned for complaining about customers and the Pittsburgh Pirate's mascot was dumped for bashing the team on Facebook. One study done last year estimated that 8% of companies fired someone for "misuse" of social media.
Password Clues
If you've got online accounts, you've probably answered a dozen different security questions, telling your bank or brokerage firm your Mom's maiden name; the church you were married in; or the name of your favorite song. Got that same stuff on the information page of your Facebook profile? You're giving crooks an easy way to guess your passwords.
Risky Behaviors
You take your classic Camaro out for street racing, soar above the hills in a hang glider, or smoke like a chimney? Insurers are increasingly turning to the web to figure out whether their applicants and customers are putting their lives or property at risk, according to So far, there's no efficient way to collect the data, so cancellations and rate hikes are rare. But the technology is fast evolving, according to a paper written by Celent, a financial services research and consulting firm.
5 Things Stealing Your Attention
I'm guilty of some of the stuff on this list

Life in the 21st century poses a whole new set of circumstances and challenges that our ancestors never imagined. With the advent and constant innovation of communication and digital media, the way we receive information is constantly changing – and it's no longer passive. Instant cell phone messaging, Skype calls, friends updating online statuses, RSS feeds, radio on-demand … The world is constantly available at our fingertips. While an omnipresent world offers numerous benefits, it also causes us to feel pressured to keep abreast on our updates, resulting in stolen attention and a scattered focus.
In my sixteen years of experience in teaching employees how to work at their peak performance-level, I've come to believe that the secret to productivity is the ability to effectively control your attention. Here are eight of the more tempting "attention thieves" and ways to handle them:
1. Twitter -- This can be an informative tool or a time sink. If you use it as a business tool to build a brand or product, then perhaps checking in frequently is warranted. If you use it primarily as a social tool, or, worse, a procrastination tool, then allocate time sparingly. Applications can help you stick to a set amount of time, such as FocusBoosterApp, which helps you by setting a timer on your activities, or LeechBlock, a Firefox add-on, which locks you out after your allocated time is up.
2. Facebook/Online Games/Social Apps: While it's true that there are some businesses that use Facebook in their marketing plan, for most people, it's primarily a social site. If this is true for you, the time-saving tips above will help. Also, tracking the time you spend for one week on social-networking tools and gaming sites can offer a healthy dose of reality that might motivate you to change your habits.
3. E-mail: Don't check your e-mail first thing in the morning. Often people start their day with e-mail for no other reason than to procrastinate on their work. In most industries, there is no such thing as an e-mail emergency. If you start the day by tackling one or two items on your to-do list, then even if the rest of the day gets away from you, you'll still have accomplished some tasks.
4. Hunger: This "attention thief" obviously wasn't caused by technology; nonetheless, a rumbling belly can steal your attention. The average attention span of an adult may be as short as 20 minutes. However, this can vary with the type of task. If you need to do things that you don't particularly enjoy or don't capture your attention, consider 20 minute intervals with two-minute breaks in between. Use the breaks to nourish yourself with snacks and drinks, and try not to skip meals. It may seem like working through lunch allows you to get more done, but the later affect on your concentration and your energy will likely negate any short-terms gains it may have provided.
5. Physical and or electronic clutter: An e-mail inbox with hundreds or thousands of messages, a computer desktop littered with files, and piles of paper covering your desk; all of these create stress and distract your attention from the task at hand. Most people leave "to-do items" visible simply as a reminder to complete them. A comprehensive, electronic task list, whether in an information-management program like Outlook, or a web-based application such as Todoist, or Remember the Milk, will allow you to put those papers, files, and emails away while still ensuring that you won't forget about them. You can still "see" them on your list, and you can even set reminders if necessary.
A golden rule is to set intervals for focused work followed by shorter intervals for breaks. Fifty minutes on and 10 minutes off is a common schedule. Use the 10 minutes to get up from your desk, stretch your muscles, look out the window, or even take a walk outside. This is not only good for your vision and your body, but can also stimulate your focus and give you something to look forward to, which provides motivation to finish whatever you're working on. You can also use these breaks as rewards for particularly daunting tasks: "If I just finish this report, then I'll go sit under the tree/check in on Facebook/play FarmVille for 10 minutes."
What steals your attention? How do you regain your focus?

Life in the 21st century poses a whole new set of circumstances and challenges that our ancestors never imagined. With the advent and constant innovation of communication and digital media, the way we receive information is constantly changing – and it's no longer passive. Instant cell phone messaging, Skype calls, friends updating online statuses, RSS feeds, radio on-demand … The world is constantly available at our fingertips. While an omnipresent world offers numerous benefits, it also causes us to feel pressured to keep abreast on our updates, resulting in stolen attention and a scattered focus.
In my sixteen years of experience in teaching employees how to work at their peak performance-level, I've come to believe that the secret to productivity is the ability to effectively control your attention. Here are eight of the more tempting "attention thieves" and ways to handle them:
1. Twitter -- This can be an informative tool or a time sink. If you use it as a business tool to build a brand or product, then perhaps checking in frequently is warranted. If you use it primarily as a social tool, or, worse, a procrastination tool, then allocate time sparingly. Applications can help you stick to a set amount of time, such as FocusBoosterApp, which helps you by setting a timer on your activities, or LeechBlock, a Firefox add-on, which locks you out after your allocated time is up.
2. Facebook/Online Games/Social Apps: While it's true that there are some businesses that use Facebook in their marketing plan, for most people, it's primarily a social site. If this is true for you, the time-saving tips above will help. Also, tracking the time you spend for one week on social-networking tools and gaming sites can offer a healthy dose of reality that might motivate you to change your habits.
3. E-mail: Don't check your e-mail first thing in the morning. Often people start their day with e-mail for no other reason than to procrastinate on their work. In most industries, there is no such thing as an e-mail emergency. If you start the day by tackling one or two items on your to-do list, then even if the rest of the day gets away from you, you'll still have accomplished some tasks.
4. Hunger: This "attention thief" obviously wasn't caused by technology; nonetheless, a rumbling belly can steal your attention. The average attention span of an adult may be as short as 20 minutes. However, this can vary with the type of task. If you need to do things that you don't particularly enjoy or don't capture your attention, consider 20 minute intervals with two-minute breaks in between. Use the breaks to nourish yourself with snacks and drinks, and try not to skip meals. It may seem like working through lunch allows you to get more done, but the later affect on your concentration and your energy will likely negate any short-terms gains it may have provided.
5. Physical and or electronic clutter: An e-mail inbox with hundreds or thousands of messages, a computer desktop littered with files, and piles of paper covering your desk; all of these create stress and distract your attention from the task at hand. Most people leave "to-do items" visible simply as a reminder to complete them. A comprehensive, electronic task list, whether in an information-management program like Outlook, or a web-based application such as Todoist, or Remember the Milk, will allow you to put those papers, files, and emails away while still ensuring that you won't forget about them. You can still "see" them on your list, and you can even set reminders if necessary.
A golden rule is to set intervals for focused work followed by shorter intervals for breaks. Fifty minutes on and 10 minutes off is a common schedule. Use the 10 minutes to get up from your desk, stretch your muscles, look out the window, or even take a walk outside. This is not only good for your vision and your body, but can also stimulate your focus and give you something to look forward to, which provides motivation to finish whatever you're working on. You can also use these breaks as rewards for particularly daunting tasks: "If I just finish this report, then I'll go sit under the tree/check in on Facebook/play FarmVille for 10 minutes."
What steals your attention? How do you regain your focus?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Tree of Life | Taste the Mystery

@DrinkTreeofLife Pomegranate Wine & @MoReilley present a wine sharing experience like no other. FREE concert, FREE food, FREE wine... and YOU!
Nick Hagelin, Stanza, Leaf, Comanche, and theDOLLDAZE!!!
Flux Wonda, Goldi Gold, Brandi Pettijohn, Michael McCullough, and High Impact Multimedia.
The Sugar Mafia & Valencia Pauline Accessories
Lion's Pen art & apparel
Tree of Life Pomegranate Wine inspired food by Chef Courtney.
CONDUCTED BY: The one & only DJ Teknology
Engineered by: EQuals Tony
Oh yea, did we mention FREE wine?!
This event is 21+. Doors open at 9pm. See you there. Cheers!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Corn syrup producers want sweeter name: corn sugar
Watch the documentary Food inc. please!

By EMILY FREDRIX, AP Marketing Writer
NEW YORK – The makers of high fructose corn syrup want to sweeten its image with a new name: corn sugar. The Corn Refiners Association applied Tuesday to the federal government for permission to use the name on food labels. The group hopes a new name will ease confusion about the sweetener, which is used in soft drinks, bread, cereal and other products.
Americans' consumption of corn syrup has fallen to a 20-year low on consumer concerns that it is more harmful or more likely to cause obesity than ordinary sugar, perceptions for which there is little scientific evidence.
However, some scientists have linked consumption of full-calorie soda — the vast majority of which is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup — to obesity.
The Food and Drug Administration could take two years to decide on the name, but that's not stopping the industry from using the term now in advertising.
There's a new online marketing campaign at and on television. Two new commercials try to alleviate shopper confusion, showing people who say they now understand that "whether it's corn sugar or cane sugar, your body can't tell the difference. Sugar is sugar."
Renaming products has succeeded before. For example, low eurcic acid rapeseed oil became much more popular after becoming "canola oil" in 1988. Prunes tried to shed a stodgy image by becoming "dried plums" in 2000.
The new name would help people understand the sweetener, said Audrae Erickson, president of the Washington-based group.
"It has been highly disparaged and highly misunderstood," she said. She declined to say how much the campaign costs.
Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are nutritionally the same, and there's no evidence that the sweetener is any worse for the body than sugar, said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The bottom line is people should consume less of all sugars, Jacobson said.
"Soda pop sweetened with sugar is every bit as conducive to obesity as soda pop sweetened with high fructose corn syrup," he said.
The American Medical Association says there's not enough evidence yet to restrict the use of high fructose corn syrup, although it wants more research.
Still, Americans increasingly are blaming high fructose corn syrup and avoiding it. First lady Michelle Obama has said she does not want her daughters eating it.
Parents such as Joan Leib scan ingredient labels and will not buy anything with it. The mother of two in Somerville, Mass., has been avoiding the sweetener for about a year to reduce sweeteners in her family's diet.
"I found it in things that you would never think needed it, or should have it," said Leib, 36. "I found it in jars of pickles, in English muffins and bread. Why do we need extra sweeteners?"
Many companies are responding by removing it from their products. Last month, Sara Lee switched to sugar in two of its breads. Gatorade, Snapple and Hunt's Ketchup very publicly switched to sugar in the past two years.
The average American ate 35.7 pounds of high fructose corn syrup last year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That's down 21 percent from 45.4 pounds 10 years before.
Cane and beet sugar, meanwhile, have hovered around 44 pounds per person per year since the mid-1980s, after falling rapidly in the 1970s, when high fructose corn syrup — a cheaper alternative to sugar — gained favor with soft drink makers.
With sales falling in the U.S., the industry is growing in emerging markets like Mexico, and revenue has been steady at $3
billion to $4 billion a year, said Credit Suisse senior analyst Robert Moskow. There are five manufacturers in the U.S.: Archer Daniels Midland Inc., Corn Products International, Cargill, Roquette America, and Tate & Lyle.
Corn refiners say their new name better describes the sweetener.
"The name 'corn sugar' more accurately reflects the source of the food (corn), identifies the basic nature of the food (a sugar), and discloses the food's function (a sweetener)," the petition said.
Will shoppers swallow the new name?
The public is skeptical, so the move will be met with criticism, said Tim Calkins, a marketing professor at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
"This isn't all that much different from any of the negative brands trying to embrace new brand names," he said, adding the change is similar to what ValuJet — whose name was tarnished by a deadly crash in 1996 — did when it bought AirTran's fleet and took on its name.
"They're not saying this is a healthy vitamin, or health product," he said. "They're just trying to move away from the negative associations."

By EMILY FREDRIX, AP Marketing Writer
NEW YORK – The makers of high fructose corn syrup want to sweeten its image with a new name: corn sugar. The Corn Refiners Association applied Tuesday to the federal government for permission to use the name on food labels. The group hopes a new name will ease confusion about the sweetener, which is used in soft drinks, bread, cereal and other products.
Americans' consumption of corn syrup has fallen to a 20-year low on consumer concerns that it is more harmful or more likely to cause obesity than ordinary sugar, perceptions for which there is little scientific evidence.
However, some scientists have linked consumption of full-calorie soda — the vast majority of which is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup — to obesity.
The Food and Drug Administration could take two years to decide on the name, but that's not stopping the industry from using the term now in advertising.
There's a new online marketing campaign at and on television. Two new commercials try to alleviate shopper confusion, showing people who say they now understand that "whether it's corn sugar or cane sugar, your body can't tell the difference. Sugar is sugar."
Renaming products has succeeded before. For example, low eurcic acid rapeseed oil became much more popular after becoming "canola oil" in 1988. Prunes tried to shed a stodgy image by becoming "dried plums" in 2000.
The new name would help people understand the sweetener, said Audrae Erickson, president of the Washington-based group.
"It has been highly disparaged and highly misunderstood," she said. She declined to say how much the campaign costs.
Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are nutritionally the same, and there's no evidence that the sweetener is any worse for the body than sugar, said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The bottom line is people should consume less of all sugars, Jacobson said.
"Soda pop sweetened with sugar is every bit as conducive to obesity as soda pop sweetened with high fructose corn syrup," he said.
The American Medical Association says there's not enough evidence yet to restrict the use of high fructose corn syrup, although it wants more research.
Still, Americans increasingly are blaming high fructose corn syrup and avoiding it. First lady Michelle Obama has said she does not want her daughters eating it.
Parents such as Joan Leib scan ingredient labels and will not buy anything with it. The mother of two in Somerville, Mass., has been avoiding the sweetener for about a year to reduce sweeteners in her family's diet.
"I found it in things that you would never think needed it, or should have it," said Leib, 36. "I found it in jars of pickles, in English muffins and bread. Why do we need extra sweeteners?"
Many companies are responding by removing it from their products. Last month, Sara Lee switched to sugar in two of its breads. Gatorade, Snapple and Hunt's Ketchup very publicly switched to sugar in the past two years.
The average American ate 35.7 pounds of high fructose corn syrup last year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That's down 21 percent from 45.4 pounds 10 years before.
Cane and beet sugar, meanwhile, have hovered around 44 pounds per person per year since the mid-1980s, after falling rapidly in the 1970s, when high fructose corn syrup — a cheaper alternative to sugar — gained favor with soft drink makers.
With sales falling in the U.S., the industry is growing in emerging markets like Mexico, and revenue has been steady at $3
billion to $4 billion a year, said Credit Suisse senior analyst Robert Moskow. There are five manufacturers in the U.S.: Archer Daniels Midland Inc., Corn Products International, Cargill, Roquette America, and Tate & Lyle.
Corn refiners say their new name better describes the sweetener.
"The name 'corn sugar' more accurately reflects the source of the food (corn), identifies the basic nature of the food (a sugar), and discloses the food's function (a sweetener)," the petition said.
Will shoppers swallow the new name?
The public is skeptical, so the move will be met with criticism, said Tim Calkins, a marketing professor at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
"This isn't all that much different from any of the negative brands trying to embrace new brand names," he said, adding the change is similar to what ValuJet — whose name was tarnished by a deadly crash in 1996 — did when it bought AirTran's fleet and took on its name.
"They're not saying this is a healthy vitamin, or health product," he said. "They're just trying to move away from the negative associations."
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Jim Jones Gives Back To Bronx School
Thumbs up!!
Jim Jones loves the kids and apparently he's running for the title of the hood's "Robin Hood." You may remember earlier this year Capo stepping into a classroom and giving kids the run down on the music business. That act was well received by the public and hip-hop community alike. With that in mind, Jones is taking it a step further. Harlem's own popped up at a school in the Bronx this past Saturday and blessed the people with laptops and iPod Touches.
Jim Jones loves the kids and apparently he's running for the title of the hood's "Robin Hood." You may remember earlier this year Capo stepping into a classroom and giving kids the run down on the music business. That act was well received by the public and hip-hop community alike. With that in mind, Jones is taking it a step further. Harlem's own popped up at a school in the Bronx this past Saturday and blessed the people with laptops and iPod Touches.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hiphop B-boy / B-Girl battle hosted by vivafidel
Fidel does everything hahaha!!
vivafideltv exclusive: true skool bboy battle / motion disorders anniversary event in milw, wi
hosted by : vivafidel
filmed by : phatbrane
photo credit: Craig Jackson
GPI films
"gravity benders vs rhythm attack"
bboys & bgirls came from all over to battle ! hip hop is peace love unity & havin fun! bboying emceeing deejaying graffiti art & the knowledge that ties it all together!
visit for more info & how to register for next yrs battle!
follow @vivafidel on twitter
vivafideltv exclusive: true skool bboy battle / motion disorders anniversary event in milw, wi
hosted by : vivafidel
filmed by : phatbrane
photo credit: Craig Jackson
GPI films
"gravity benders vs rhythm attack"
bboys & bgirls came from all over to battle ! hip hop is peace love unity & havin fun! bboying emceeing deejaying graffiti art & the knowledge that ties it all together!
visit for more info & how to register for next yrs battle!
follow @vivafidel on twitter
Friday, September 10, 2010
Washington Post writer falls for Twitter hoax
Oh1 It don't stop!

By Michael Calderone
Last week, a Washington Post columnist started a Twitter hoax. This week, a Washington Post columnist fell for one.
Jonathan Capehart, an editorial writer and columnist, took "@RepJackKimble (R-Calif.)"
to task Monday for tweeting that "Bush fought 2 wars without costing taxpayers a dime." Capehart responded in a blog post that President Bush advocated for "two giant tax cuts that weren't paid for and two big wars that were largely kept off the main federal balance sheet." He added a chart from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to back up his argument.
Although Capehart stands by the budget deficit numbers, neither he nor anyone else can stand by the congressman. A
"correction/clarification" appended to his post says: "The Twitterer RepJackKimble cited below is not a real member of Congress."
So who is "Jack Kimble"?
The Post, following up on its colleague getting duped, reports that the Kimble Twitter writer may be the author of a blog called "That's Right Nate." (The Post cites another blog, "The Political Carnival," for that speculation.) The Post notes that the
Huffington Post has cited the fake congressman before, and had to publish a correction as a result.
The episode serves as an oddly fitting footnote to last week's Twitter-themed controversy at the Post. The paper suspended its sports columnist Mike Wise for publishing fabricated information on Twitter -- after Wise explained that he'd cooked up a fake scoop about Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback Ben Roethlisberger's suspension from the team to prove a point about how
journalists are quick to use information found Twitter as a source. Other news outlets understandably ran with the scoop because it came directly from a respected Washington Post sportswriter and not anonymously from the Twitter ether — not a sound way, it turns out, to demonstrate the point Wise set out to make.
But Capehart's eagerness — along with that previously shown by other media outlets — to use "Congressman Kimble" as a source shows how false information, publishes via a fake Twitter account, can quickly enter the news cycle. Wise's point is taken.
These days, as journalists blog, tweet and race on the air with the latest incremental bit of news or opinion, such hoaxes are likely to continue.
In late 2008, two filmmakers created "Martin Eisenstadt," a policy expert from a made-up think tank who ended up being quoted by the New Republic, the Los Angeles Times and MSNBC. And this reporter, in a blog post, made the mistake of citing MSNBC's Eisenstadt reporting. The network later corrected its original report.
NOTE: An earlier version of this post repeated the Post's own account, which mistakenly said that TechPresident had published its own correction about reporting Jack Kimble as an actual member of Congress. In reality, the site was reporting on the Huffington Post's correction after that site fell for the hoax. The wording is now corrected.
Story:Washington Post writer falls for Twitter hoax

By Michael Calderone
Last week, a Washington Post columnist started a Twitter hoax. This week, a Washington Post columnist fell for one.
Jonathan Capehart, an editorial writer and columnist, took "@RepJackKimble (R-Calif.)"
to task Monday for tweeting that "Bush fought 2 wars without costing taxpayers a dime." Capehart responded in a blog post that President Bush advocated for "two giant tax cuts that weren't paid for and two big wars that were largely kept off the main federal balance sheet." He added a chart from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to back up his argument.
Although Capehart stands by the budget deficit numbers, neither he nor anyone else can stand by the congressman. A
"correction/clarification" appended to his post says: "The Twitterer RepJackKimble cited below is not a real member of Congress."
So who is "Jack Kimble"?
The Post, following up on its colleague getting duped, reports that the Kimble Twitter writer may be the author of a blog called "That's Right Nate." (The Post cites another blog, "The Political Carnival," for that speculation.) The Post notes that the
Huffington Post has cited the fake congressman before, and had to publish a correction as a result.
The episode serves as an oddly fitting footnote to last week's Twitter-themed controversy at the Post. The paper suspended its sports columnist Mike Wise for publishing fabricated information on Twitter -- after Wise explained that he'd cooked up a fake scoop about Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback Ben Roethlisberger's suspension from the team to prove a point about how
journalists are quick to use information found Twitter as a source. Other news outlets understandably ran with the scoop because it came directly from a respected Washington Post sportswriter and not anonymously from the Twitter ether — not a sound way, it turns out, to demonstrate the point Wise set out to make.
But Capehart's eagerness — along with that previously shown by other media outlets — to use "Congressman Kimble" as a source shows how false information, publishes via a fake Twitter account, can quickly enter the news cycle. Wise's point is taken.
These days, as journalists blog, tweet and race on the air with the latest incremental bit of news or opinion, such hoaxes are likely to continue.
In late 2008, two filmmakers created "Martin Eisenstadt," a policy expert from a made-up think tank who ended up being quoted by the New Republic, the Los Angeles Times and MSNBC. And this reporter, in a blog post, made the mistake of citing MSNBC's Eisenstadt reporting. The network later corrected its original report.
NOTE: An earlier version of this post repeated the Post's own account, which mistakenly said that TechPresident had published its own correction about reporting Jack Kimble as an actual member of Congress. In reality, the site was reporting on the Huffington Post's correction after that site fell for the hoax. The wording is now corrected.
Story:Washington Post writer falls for Twitter hoax
'Imagine No Religion' billboards to debut in Atlanta

Fifty new billboards will go up around the metro Atlanta area this week, and their controversial messages are likely to turn a few heads.
The Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation will sponsor billboards throughout the city promoting separation of church and state and shunning religion. The billboards will display messages like 'Imagine No Religion,' 'God and Government: A Dangerous Mix,' 'Sleep In On Sunday,' and 'In Reason We Trust' during the month-long campaign.
It's part of a larger movement by the foundation to "reach out to free thinkers in the South," according to co-president Dan Barker. The group has ongoing billboard campaigns in Tampa, Trenton and New Orleans. Barker said: "Just as there are indeed atheists in foxholes, there are many nonbelievers in the so-called Bible Belt."
The foundation is hoping its efforts will enhance the group's visibility. Its 16,000 members nationwide include atheists, agnostics and freethinkers. 270 Georgians are currently part of the organization.
Story:'Imagine No Religion' billboards to debut in Atlanta
Fifty new billboards will go up around the metro Atlanta area this week, and their controversial messages are likely to turn a few heads.
The Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation will sponsor billboards throughout the city promoting separation of church and state and shunning religion. The billboards will display messages like 'Imagine No Religion,' 'God and Government: A Dangerous Mix,' 'Sleep In On Sunday,' and 'In Reason We Trust' during the month-long campaign.
It's part of a larger movement by the foundation to "reach out to free thinkers in the South," according to co-president Dan Barker. The group has ongoing billboard campaigns in Tampa, Trenton and New Orleans. Barker said: "Just as there are indeed atheists in foxholes, there are many nonbelievers in the so-called Bible Belt."
The foundation is hoping its efforts will enhance the group's visibility. Its 16,000 members nationwide include atheists, agnostics and freethinkers. 270 Georgians are currently part of the organization.
Story:'Imagine No Religion' billboards to debut in Atlanta
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Video: Pete Rock & CL Smooth to re-release Mecca & The Soul Brother
On September 14th, Pete Rock & CL Smooth will release a remastered box set of their 1992 classic album Mecca & The Soul Brother. Nicccceee!!!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Rah Digga – This Ain’t No Lil Kid Rap (Remix) (feat. Redman)
Dirty jerz in the building for the remix "This Ain’t No Lil Kid Rap” off her new album, Classic with producer Nottz in stores on September 14th.

Download:Rah Digga – This Ain’t No Lil Kid Rap (Remix) (feat. Redman)

Download:Rah Digga – This Ain’t No Lil Kid Rap (Remix) (feat. Redman)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Video: Ekundayo The Mounten Liun-EKUNDAYO!
no doubt!!
Ekundayo The Mounten Liun takes a stroll as he reflects on some of the things that makes him who he is "EKUNDAYO!
Ekundayo The Mounten Liun takes a stroll as he reflects on some of the things that makes him who he is "EKUNDAYO!
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